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  • Leads email integration
    Leads email integration is powerful BLUE CRM feature who allow you to integrate leads from your email address. You can set up email forwarder&nbs...

  • Add Lead Sources
    You will always need a way to know from where you got the lead. Go to Setup -> Leads -> Sources and add new source depending o...

  • Add Lead Statuses
    You can easily customize leads statuses so they can fit into your workflow. To add new lead status you will have to go to Setup ->...

  • Convert Lead to a Customer or Opportunity
    Convert Lead to a Customer or Opportunity Click on the lead and wait for the modal to be opened, on the top button click Convert to Client or Conve...

  • Assign lead to staff member
    Open a lead and simply select the staff member you want to assign the lead. After submiting the staff member will receive notification that you have ...